LONDON. l’artista israeliano Matan Ben-Cnaan, con il ritratto all’amico artista Guy e alla figlia Annabella, in posa coi loro cani, ha vinto il BP Portrait Award 2015.


[quote_box_center]The judges were impressed by the highly charged and unsettling portrait in which the artist chose to depict his sitters as though they were facing tragedy in an echo of the Biblical story of Jephthah. In this story an Israelite judge vowed on entering battle that should he win, he will sacrifice the first thing that greets him upon his home-coming, believing it to be a dog. However, on his return, it is his daughter who rushes out in welcome. Realising the tragic mistake he has made, he upholds his vow and sacrifices his child. [/quote_box_center]


Ora lo scatto è in mostra a Londra, alla National Portrait Gallery, insieme agli altri tre vincitori: Michael Gaskell e Borja Buces Renard. In mostra insieme a loro anche il ritratto ad opera di Eleana Antonaki, che si è aggiudicata il BP Young Artist Award.