NEW YORK. Fino al 14 maggio la Benrubi Gallery ospiterà la mostra personale del video-artista Michael Najjar che esplora gli ultimi sviluppi in tema di viaggi nello spazio. Najaar sarà il primo artista civile a volare nello spazio e la serie di fotografie di grandi dimensioni catturano un mondo futuristico intenso e coinvolgente, ispirato da tecnologie aeronautiche all’avanguardia e l’industria del turismo spaziale nascente. Najjar sta frequentando un corso intensivo in Russia, dal 2012, e ha usato l’esperienza reale della formazione per creare foto complesse che esaminano le connessioni vitali tra uomo e tecnologia, dove la realtà e la simulazione sono così intrecciati che diventano indistinguibili.
Central to outer space is Najjar’s personal experience with space flight and the performative aspect of the exhibited images. As one of the pioneer astronauts of Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic, Najjar has been undergoing an intensive, multistage cosmonaut training in Star City, Russia, since 2012, and is scheduled to board SpaceShipTwo in the near future. The artist uses the actual experience of training (zero-g flight, centrifuge training, stratosphere flight, and underwater space walks, to name a few) to create complex and never-before carried out photos that examine vital connections between humans and technology. Reality and simulation are so intertwined that they become indistinguishable, allowing for novel ways of seeing. Video artworks based on Najjar’s extreme training will be shown as part of the exhibition.
The acceleration in aeronautic research and industry and the birth of commercial space travel has brought humanity on the verge of a new era. The images of outer space – the ultra-high resolution telescope “golden eye II,” the world’s largest centrifuge, the first private spaceport, mineral mining on the moon, or space debris orbiting around the earth at fast speed – all address these technological advancements, attempting to elucidate their important cultural implication through artistic transformation. “By leaving our home planet and flying to the moon or other planets, we change our understanding of who we are and where we come from,” Najjar says. “The point is to reflect on our world and what it means to us and the generations to come after us. It’s about the very origins of the self.”